As a rule of thumb, keep it simple.
Bring:Note: If possible, put campers name on all his/her belongings.
+ Pillow.
+ Twin Bed Sheets.
+ Blanket.
-You can bring a sleeping bag as an option.
+ Enough Clothes for 7 days of play and 6 nights of church.
-See Camper Application for Official Dress Code.
+ Tennis Shoes/Sneakers (Team competitions are not conducive to the wearing of flip-flops or sandals).
+ Modest Swim suit (two if possible).
+ Sun screen.
+ Toiletries: Soap, Shampoo, deodorant, tooth brush/paste etc.
+ Bath Towels and cloths.
+ Medication/Prescriptions (if required),(staff nurse will administer all medications; it is the responsibility of the camper to report to the nurse at the designated medication times).
Optional:+ Outfit pertaining to the camp theme to wear at the Banquet.
+ Hair dryer.
+ Bible.
+ Paper/Pencil/Pen.
+ Cash/Coins (under $10: limited drink machine use).
+ Hat/Cap.
+ Softball Glove.
+ Insect Repellant.
+ Umbrella or Rain Coat/Parka/Poncho
+ Sound Track (a talent time opportunity may be offered)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =In order to protect the atmosphere of the Christian camping experience, and to provide a safe and enjoyable stay for everyone, please
Do NOT Bring:+ Cell Phone (Parents should call the staff house at 205-938-2444 for any family emergency issues. Cabin Leaders have personal cell phones and communicate with the staff house only, not for calling a parent. All camp emergencies are handled through the staff house. If a parent insists upon sending a cell phone, then place it in a zipper seal plastic bag with name and land-line contact number so that it can be kept inside the staff house.)
+ Water guns
+ Water Balloons
+ Weapons of any kind, or object that could be construed as a weapon.
+ Radios
+ TV's
+ Video games
+ CD/MP3 Players
+ Toys of any kind
+ Skateboards/skates
+ Tobacco products of any kind.
+ Matches and/or lighters.
+ Expensive cameras. (If bringing a single use camera, please put your name and number on it in case you forget it)
+ Any item that could be construed as an intent to pull a prank or cause embarassment to another camper.
+ Food. (Snacks are provided at designated times and the price thereof covered in the tuition. Also, the presence of food in the cabins draws insects, and must be avoided.)
The Coordinator, Directors and Deans reserve the right to search a campers belongings if there is probable cause or reasonable suspicion that the camper has posession of any item that could be construed as an intent to pull a prank or cause embarassment to another camper or compromise the safety of the campers and/or staff.
Note: Even though this is a Christian camp, theft has occurred among campers so don't bring valuables.
Note: A majority of activities will occur outdoors. Drinking water will be provided.