
Friday, January 26, 2007

Summer Camp Theme for 2008

The general theme for all camps is,
Pirates of the Caribbean
the decor will be:
ocean, islands, treasure, etc...

Campers: What to Bring, and What Not to Bring for Summer Camp

As a rule of thumb, keep it simple.

Note: If possible, put campers name on all his/her belongings.

+ Pillow.
+ Twin Bed Sheets.
+ Blanket.
-You can bring a sleeping bag as an option.
+ Enough Clothes for 7 days of play and 6 nights of church.
-See Camper Application for Official Dress Code.
+ Tennis Shoes/Sneakers (Team competitions are not conducive to the wearing of flip-flops or sandals).
+ Modest Swim suit (two if possible).
+ Sun screen.
+ Toiletries: Soap, Shampoo, deodorant, tooth brush/paste etc.
+ Bath Towels and cloths.
+ Medication/Prescriptions (if required),(staff nurse will administer all medications; it is the responsibility of the camper to report to the nurse at the designated medication times).
+ Outfit pertaining to the camp theme to wear at the Banquet.
+ Hair dryer.
+ Bible.
+ Paper/Pencil/Pen.
+ Cash/Coins (under $10: limited drink machine use).
+ Hat/Cap.
+ Softball Glove.
+ Insect Repellant.
+ Umbrella or Rain Coat/Parka/Poncho
+ Sound Track (a talent time opportunity may be offered)

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In order to protect the atmosphere of the Christian camping experience, and to provide a safe and enjoyable stay for everyone, please Do NOT Bring:

+ Cell Phone (Parents should call the staff house at 205-938-2444 for any family emergency issues. Cabin Leaders have personal cell phones and communicate with the staff house only, not for calling a parent. All camp emergencies are handled through the staff house. If a parent insists upon sending a cell phone, then place it in a zipper seal plastic bag with name and land-line contact number so that it can be kept inside the staff house.)
+ Water guns
+ Water Balloons
+ Weapons of any kind, or object that could be construed as a weapon.
+ Radios
+ TV's
+ Video games
+ CD/MP3 Players
+ Toys of any kind
+ Skateboards/skates
+ Tobacco products of any kind.
+ Matches and/or lighters.
+ Expensive cameras. (If bringing a single use camera, please put your name and number on it in case you forget it)
+ Any item that could be construed as an intent to pull a prank or cause embarassment to another camper.
+ Food. (Snacks are provided at designated times and the price thereof covered in the tuition. Also, the presence of food in the cabins draws insects, and must be avoided.)

The Coordinator, Directors and Deans reserve the right to search a campers belongings if there is probable cause or reasonable suspicion that the camper has posession of any item that could be construed as an intent to pull a prank or cause embarassment to another camper or compromise the safety of the campers and/or staff.

Note: Even though this is a Christian camp, theft has occurred among campers so don't bring valuables.

Note: A majority of activities will occur outdoors. Drinking water will be provided.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

2007 - Let the Miracles Begin

Pray for Bro. Mark Jolley. Hundreds of believers throughout the state of Alabama and beyond are already providing an incredible prayer covering for Mark. Because of this, Mark has become the first vessel through which God has performed His first miracle in our camping ministry.

Mark Jolley is a faithful member of COGOP and the body of Christ, and has served (and continues to serve) in the camping ministry for several years. Concerning his service, Mark served sacrificially in 2006 by taking Leave Without Pay during the week of Senior camp after working his first two weeks with a new employer. He's a true warrior, and desires to follow Christ and be a witness, no matter what his circumstances.

On Tuesday, December 12, 2006, Mark received results back from a December 8th biopsy of an arm-pit lymph node showing positive for melanoma cancer. Since then, Mark has visited his physician, had consultation with doctors at UAB hospital, and today (Jan. 9th, 2007) is back home from Houston, Texas after undergoing tests, surgery, and seeing one of only two doctors in the world who specializes in melanoma cancer.

Read about a continuous stream of God's miracles, from Mark himself, as he testifies of his journey of witness and healing in a followup blog posting right here.....coming soon.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

2007 Financial Update

Dear Fellow Laborer:

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ at the beginning of a brand new year!

On behalf of the Camp Boothe Board, we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to you for all you have done to support the camp and camping ministry. Your support is vital to the success of this ministry. Our prayers are that God will richly reward you for your giving and support. It is through these efforts that so many souls have been blessed, and that all the camp improvements have been, and continue to be made.

As you know, we were able to pay approximately $70,000.00 on the construction loan this past year. Also a significant amount of street paving was done in late summer as well as re-sealing the existing asphalt. It was necessary to replace three of the large facility heating and cooling units this year as well as the unit on the walk-in freezer. Several smaller projects were also completed, including repainting the inside of all the buildings. International Youth Camp was held again at the camp this past year and is scheduled to be here again in 2007. Rentals were up quite well-to God be the glory for great things he is doing!

We would like to humbly request that you continue giving in 2007 if possible. This will help toward the payment of the loan for Dorms 1 & 2 and the Multipurpose Building. This will also help us continue with future improvement projects for the facility. We are hoping to start a new Chapel as soon as the current indebtedness is paid off. With God's help and our faithful giving together, as well as rentals and 2% from some of the churches throughout the state, we feel this can be accomplished. May God continue to bless and give you a prosperous year.


Raymon Sutton & Mike Patterson
Co-Vice Chairmen
Camp Boothe, Inc.

Vicky Johns
Financial Director
Camp Boothe, Inc